Terms and Conditions
AI Shiba OG NFT Collection are the intellectual property of AI Shiba and its members, officers, directors, owners, employees, agents, representatives, suppliers and service providers provides this document (displayed on the "Site") for informational purposes only. Use of and access to the Site and the information, materials, services, and other content available on or through the Site ("Content") are subject to these terms of use and all applicable law.
Not Financial Advice
$SHIBAI is a utility token, not an investment vehicle. This is not a solicitation for investment in any entity that has created or otherwise controls or manages the $SHIBAI utility token. Without limitation, this Whitepaper does not constitute any investment advice, financial advice, trading advice or recommendation by an entity controlling, managing, or otherwise associated with the $SHIBAI utility token, with that entity's affiliates, associates, designees, assigns or heirs, or that entity's respective officers, directors, managers, agents, advisors, or consultants on the merits of purchasing or selling $SHIBAI utility tokens nor should it be relied upon in connection with any other contract or purchasing decision. Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future results. Past performance is no guarantee of future returns and there is no guarantee that the market price of coin will fully reflect their underlying net asset value.
No Representations or Warranties
No representations or warranties have been made to any recipient or reader of this Whitepaper or their advisors as to the accuracy or completeness of the information, statements, opinions or matters (express or implied) arising out of, contained in, or derived from this Whitepaper or any omission from this document or of any other written or oral information or opinions provided now or in the future to any interested party or their advisors, associates, designees, assigns, or heirs and the like.
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