Claim Pending Rewards

How to Claim Pending Rewards Based on the staking system described earlier

Claiming your pending rewards can be achieved through two main actions: Depositing and Withdrawing. Here's how to do it:


When you deposit tokens into the staking system, any rewards that are pending will automatically be transferred to your wallet.

Steps to deposit:

Choose the amount of tokens you want to stake. Confirm the action to move these tokens from your wallet to the staking system. Once the transaction is complete, any pending rewards you have will be sent to your wallet.


Similar to the depositing process, withdrawing your tokens from the staking system also triggers the delivery of your pending rewards.

Steps to withdraw:

Decide how many tokens you want to withdraw from the staking pool. Confirm the action to remove these tokens from the staking system and return them to your wallet. Upon completion of the transaction, your pending rewards will be sent to your wallet. It's important to note that the 30-day lock-in period must have ended for you to be able to withdraw your tokens and claim pending rewards. If you can't wait, you may opt for the Emergency Withdraw feature, but this will incur a 5% fee, and you won't receive any pending rewards.

In general, it's recommended to regularly check your pending rewards and use the Compound action when the total value of these rewards is at least three times the gas fees required for the operation. This will optimize your earnings and increase your overall stake in the system.

Last updated